Vision, however, did not work...again. I guess we need some bad and some good things for balance.
Anyway, we learned today a lot about COS Library's Academic Electronic Databases. Not all of them, of course. We had some time with Credo Reference, Gale Virtual Reference Library, Expanded Academic ASAP and SIRS (Social Issue Research Series).
Some students mentioned that they "do not understand the meaning", so, my guess is that a Glossary of library terms may help. This one is from Andersen Library, University of Wisconsin - Whitewater.
For some students that wrote down that they are still confused about finding things and how each database works, I would suggest to either spend some time using them and researching or ask a librarian for help.
One student wrote that it is confusing how to go in the database. Try to find Academic Electronic Databases link from the main COS Library webpage.
If students are on the COS campus they can get into databases and start searching. If they are outside of the campus, they need to use the handout with login information that was given at the class.
Let me know if you have other questions or comments.